But before that happens, this is my new year's resolution for 2008.
- Use less cuss words on my blog. Chaocheebye.
- Update more often.
- Achieve good academic results.
- Talk less cock
- Gain few more pounds.( I don't wanna look like Daniel Radcliffe)
source: http://gothamist.com/attachments/nyc_arts_john/Daniel%20Radcliffe.jpg
- Stop mentioning about the size of my balls before people starts jumping off buildings out of frustration.
- Try to eat more fish. ( I have the right to waive off this resolution)
- Save/earn enough money for a Sony VAIO.
- And most importantly : Learn how to write a proper letter to Santa.
What's wrong with your letter to santa? I don't see any problems with it. In fact I enjoy reading it =)
I have totally no idea, it seems fine to me too. But the thing is Christmas 's over and there's still no reply from Santa. Sigh, I wonder why..
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