Friday, January 25, 2008

The Royal London Circus Review

The Royal London Circus had finished their Cheras leg of tour earlier this month. Fortunately I have the opportunity to check them out just few days before Christmas.

Knowing that I'll be going for the circus a friend of mine offer to borrow me his DSLR camera so that I can blog about the whole show later on. However it is stated at the back of the brochure that no visual and audio recording devices are allowed. I wasnt't sure if a DSLR camera is allowed and thinking that there's no way I can sneak in a DSLR camera and take pic without anyone noticing i decided not to bring.

Anyway I managed to take a couple of shots using my camera phone without anyone noticing, However the pictures are taken in low light and without flash. So please bear with it :(

Thought that A class seats are the nearest to the stage turned out there're still VIP seats. #$!%*@!#$@!

The main opening act features 2 men skipping rope on top of a rotating wheel about 30 feet up in the air. After doing it for a few times one of the men even tried doing it blinfolded. It was quite impressive and adrenaline-pumping.

Right after that performance, the show starts to get lame. The show was filled with animals such as cats and dogs performing some jumping tricks, dancers, and opera singing by two overweight Filipinos.

Water bottles are not allowed so you'll have to buy their drinking water for a whooping RM2 if thirsty.

Luckily later things starts to pick up with some aerial ribbon stunts.

I've seen Jolin Tsai doing that in her music video. But seeing it live and being done by professionals are totally amazing. Every moves are gracious and breathtaking. The only thing that spoils it all is the green spiderman. It was supposed to be a beautiful and romantic part of whole show, what the heck is the green spiderman doing there?

Nah, that didn't happen.

And then there was the swinging stunt(I don't know the exact name for this stunt).

Getting ready for the stunt.

Start jumping.

The circus was about 2 and a half hour long. The last stunt features 4 stuntmen riding their dirt bike simultaneously in a ring.

Fuck off Mat Rempits, these guys can do much better.

Despite the green spiderman being the spoiler, the circus was beyond my expectations. Some of the stunts were surprisingly good and I went home feeling well entertained.


anthraxxxx said...

I missed the old Royal London Circus in 1992 where every female performers wear skimpy outfits lol

kenny said...

Not only that, they used to be lions and tigers show back then but according to the operator in-charged these animals had already retired =.='
Thanks for reading and nice knowing ya :)